Casting Technique for Infantile Scoliosis Treatment

Infantile Scoliosis is the case of Scoliosis that is identified in the children below 3 years of age. This condition characterized by the presence of an abnormal sideways curve of the spine in the child. A rare condition, Infantile Scoliosis accounts for 1% of total Idiopathic Scoliosis cases.

While most cases of Infantile Scoliosis resolve spontaneously with the growth, some of them progress to develop severe deformity. This gradual increase in the deformity is called Progressive Infantile Scoliosis which can be life-threatening for the children if not treated readily.

Causes & Diagnosis of Infantile Scoliosis:

Being a case of Idiopathic Scoliosis, the exact causes of Infantile Scoliosis are to be zeroed-on. Abnormal positioning of the fetus in the uterus, the subsequent pressures on the spine and genetic inheritance are some of the possible theories which are supported by notable data evidence. This Infantile Scoliosis can be detected within the first six months of the birth with a physical & neurological examination, followed by MRI and X-ray, to determine the severity of the condition.

Treatment for Infantile Scoliosis:

The severity of the spinal deformity determines the treatment options for the condition. Mild curves in an infant usually get resolved with time and growth, so these type of cases are treated with observation and careful monitoring that involves scanning and physical examination. These cases also warrant future visits to the surgeon to make sure the condition is completely taken care of.

The cases of moderate to severe deformity are the ones with increased chances of progression and have to be treated with advanced surgery and other treatment techniques. However, an infant is not an ideal candidate for the surgery and could also pose growth problems. But the good news is that there are non-invasive treatments like Casting that is available for the infants that control this deformity without posing the growth problems

Casting Technique for Infantile Scoliosis Treatment:

The baby has a cast applied to the body (trunk) down to the pelvis to prevent the rotation of the ribs and spine. Holes are left open to ease the pressure off the abdomen and the chest. This process takes less than an hour is done on a special table with the baby is put under general anaesthesia during the process. The cast is made up of fiberglass and has to be changed for every 8 weeks. Each iteration gradually corrects the curvature by some degree and significant correction can be achieved in 2 years.

This casting procedure requires a highly skilled team of surgeons with expertise in casting technique. Here’s Dr. Jwalant Mehta Convening the Casting Technique Course for surgeons at Annual Meeting ICC, Birmingham:

Dr. Mehta specializes in treating infantile scoliosis with casting, bracing and surgical methods depending upon the age and severity of the condition. His success record with non-invasive methods in treating scoliosis has been well documented and he has been treating a variety of Scoliosis cases for years now.

You can consult Mr Jwalant S. Mehta with a prior appointment. He is available at Royal Orthopaedic Hospital, Birmingham Children’s Hospital, Spire Parkway Hospital, BMI The Priory Hospital and Bromsgrove Private Clinic.


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