What is Degenerative Spine Disease? Treatment, Risk and Conditions
The spine supports the human way of living and without it, normal functioning would become hard. That is why an issue with the spine that is as serious as degenerative spine disease cannot be taken lightly. This article will examine the conditions of degenerative spine disease, the risks, and the possible treatment options.
What is degenerative spine disease?
Generally, degenerative spine diseases include the gradual loss of normal function and structure of the spine. Although it is mostly caused by aging, tumours, arthritis, and infections have also been known to exacerbate or cause it. The pressure on the nerve roots and the spinal cord due to degeneration can be because of:
- Spinal stenosis is when the spinal canal starts narrowing
- Herniated or slipped discs
- Osteoarthritis is a condition in which the cartilage present in the spinal cord starts breaking down.
Symptoms of degenerative spine disease :
Listed below are a few symptoms that can be indicative of degenerative spinal disease:
- Limited motion
- Sharp or chronic pain
- Pain during a movement or pain while resting
- Deformity of the spine
- Nerve injuries like loss of senses, weakness, problems related to bladder or bowel functions, or sexual dysfunction.
Diagnosis of degenerative spine disease :
The discovery or diagnosis of degenerative spine disease begins when an individual realizes there is a problem and decides to visit a doctor. A simple search on the online platform with the words, “back surgeons near me,” can give you enough details about a doctor.
The diagnosis begins with an X-ray to study the backbone. To view the discs, nerves, spinal cord space, etc a magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) machine is used. In case there are any inconsistencies between the symptoms of a patient and the results of the MRI then an advanced CT scan or computed tomography may be used. To determine if a patient’s pain is due to a damaged spinal disc a disc study which is also called discograms is used.
Treatment of degenerative spine disease :
The treatment of degenerative spine diseases is not uniform as it largely depends on the severity and type of condition. In many cases, surgery is not required and non-surgical treatment options can be used. Such treatments involve medication, exercises to improve flexibility, muscle strength, braces, etc.
To alleviate the pain the doctor can prescribe putting pain medicine or steroids in a minimally invasive manner usually using an epidural injection. In cases involving spinal stenosis or herniated disc surgery may be required.
Visiting spinal orthopaedic surgeons in the UK, or your specific area should be a patient’s first course of action if they even suspect a degenerative spine disease. Among the top scoliosis surgeons in the field is Dr. Mehta, a spine surgeon.
His clinic Mehta Spine is an accredited establishment for people seeking any treatment related to the spine. His experience, skill, and training make him a patient’s best option in matters related to degenerative spine disease. Consult professionals today to learn more about the concept of Degenerative Spine Disease.