Stretching Exercises for Lower Back Pain

Do you have lower back pain and need tips on how best to relieve it? Lower back pain appears to affect several people because of factors ranging from poor posture to strained muscles and some underlying medical conditions.

Stretching is one of the principal activities that gives relief and significantly enhances flexibility when incorporated into a daily routine. This guide gives various stretching exercises targeting lower back pains and thus providing relief.

Benefits of Stretching in Case of Lower Back Pain

As such, stretching helps serve the purpose of pain relief in the lower back through improvement in flexibility, blood circulation, and relieving tension in the muscle. It improves the range of motion in the lower back and prevents more injuries from occurring.

Apart from relieving one from this painful condition, such exercises will make one experience a general feeling of good health through the relief of stress and promoting relaxation. Similarly, regular stretching will enable an individual to experience long-lasting back improvement with minimal recurrent back pains.

Lower Lumbar Stretches

Lower lumbar stretches target the lower back region. One of the simplest yet most effective stretches is the knee-to-chest stretch. Lie on your back with your knees bent and your feet flat on the floor. Next, slowly pull one knee toward your chest, holding it with both hands for about 20 seconds. Repeat this for the other knee as well. These are effective in stretching the lower back muscles and releasing tension.

Another nice stretch at the lower level of your lumbar is the pelvic tilt. Lie on your back with your knees bent and feet flat on the floor. Engage your abdominals and press your lower back to the floor. Then, hold for a few seconds and release. It can strengthen the muscles in your lower back and abdomen that will provide additional support to the spine.

Stretches for Pain in Lumbar

Add in stretches that are going to hit and ease the back of some lumbago. The cat-cow stretch brings gentle exercises to these very stiff areas, relieving stiffness. Starting on your hands and knees, align your wrists underneath your shoulders and your knees underneath your hips.

Inhale, arch your back, and then lift your head, and tailbone to the ceiling; this is cow pose. Exhale, round your back, tuck your chin to your chest—cat pose. Do this series of several breaths, flowing easily between the two poses.

Another excellent stretch for back pain in the lumbar area is the child’s pose. From an upright position on all fours, bring the big toes together as the knees are spread out. Crouch into the heels and extend the arms forward, stretching the chest down to the floor. Hold for 20-30 seconds and breathe deep. The child’s pose allows gentle stretching of the lower back and hips while it relaxes and relieves the back of pain.

Back Exercises for Lower Back Pain

Besides the stretches, there are some exercises to develop the muscles in your back that can make all the difference in keeping further pain at bay. One beautiful exercise is called the bird-dog exercise. Begin by getting down on your hands and knees, then Stretching Exercises for Lower Back Straighten your back.

Reach one arm forward, and the other leg backward, maintaining balance. Hold it for a couple of seconds, then slowly drop. Finish by repeating on the other side. This exercise improves stability and strains the muscles of the lower back and abdomen.

Another exercise that performs well is that of strengthening the lower back: Lie on your back with knees bent, and feet flat on the floor. The action is an upward hip raise towards the ceiling as you contract your glutes and engage your abdominals. Hold it for a few seconds and then slowly let it down. Do this for many repetitions. The Bridge Exercise is aimed at lower back, glutes, and hamstrings, which gives great support to the spine.


That’s countermeasures in advance—having stretching exercises included to ensure avoiding lower back discomfort. One can alleviate the discomfort and improve flexibility through the regular practice of these lower lumbar stretches and stretches for lumbar pains.

In addition, trying some of the back exercises for lower back pain helps to strengthen its supportive muscles to reduce the chances of future pains. In the case of continual, severe, or inciting lower back pain, one should seek consultation with a specialist such as Jwalant S. Mehta to achieve the best care possible.

Within his practice, Jwalant S. Mehta is one of the top spine surgeons in uk and will provide you with advice and treatment by which you may attain optimal health for your spine.