Simple Tips for a Good Night Sleep for Patients with Lower Back Pain
Imagine you reached your home after a gruelling day at work; a long day that sapped off your energy. You get your chow done and cannot wait to fall asleep on your warm bed. And that is precisely when your sore-lower back stabs you to make its presence felt, denying your well-deserved rest. On top of making it difficult to sit for a longer period of time, it robs you of your rejuvenating rest too.
You cannot be productive without an adequate rest, can you? And being deprived of good sleep can even result in a host of health problems too. That’s the thing with the lower back pain it throws a spanner in all your everyday activities. If you are paying this price, then you are not alone. Lower back pain is a global condition which almost 80% of the folks get to experience at some point of their active life.
So, how do you deal with your back pain to ensure a proper sleep routine?
Well, you can alleviate your back pain by tweaking your sleeping positions and habits!
Proper Sleep Postures:
Incorporating a proper set of sleep postures is the easiest way to alleviate your pain and improve your sleep quality. Here’s how:
If you are sleeping on your back:
Resting on your back is the best possible position as it helps to distribute your body evenly. While sleeping on your back, you can provide comfort to your spine by placing a pillow under the knees so as to provide that natural curve to your spine. You can also place a pillow beneath your lower back for additional comfort.
If you are sleeping on your side:
Resting on the side is one of the most common sleeping positions around. But it does pull your spine out of position which may be the reason for the discomfort you have been experiencing. You can easily tweak this to your comfort by resorting to the fetal position: rolling onto one side and pulling your knees up towards your chest. This tucking helps in keeping your back straight, opens up your joints and provides the much-needed relief.
If you are sleeping on your stomach:
Please resort to your back or your side and avoid sleeping on your stomach. Lying on your stomach may slightly burden your lower back by giving an unpleasant twist to your spine. If you are too habituated to sleeping on your stomach then you can help yourself by placing a pillow beneath your lower abdomen-pelvis region.
Proper sleeping support:
A proper support for head and neck is critical for reducing your back pain. The role of the pillow is to maintain the natural posture of the neck and render its support to your spine. Make sure your pillow compliments your sleeping positions. For example, if you are back sleeper, a thin pillow will do; but for the side sleepers, a thicker pillow is a proper buy.
Thus you can improve your quality of sleep with these minor tweaks. But if you are still unable to solve your lower back problem it is wise to consult an expert spine surgeon. In case you need any help, you can contact us here: Clinical secretary: Samantha Leavy +44 785 021 1939