Advancement in Scoliosis Treatments Through Research
Advancement in Scoliosis Treatments : Scoliosis, the abnormal side curvature of the spine, affects millions of patients worldwide. As a serious spinal disorder, scoliosis leads to significant pain, reduced lung capacity, functional difficulties, and psychological distress. It can impact children, adolescents, and adults, often without any significant cause, making it one of the most challenging conditions to prevent.
While early detection makes it a manageable condition to treat, there are still cases where treatment may not adequately resolve the scoliosis after a certain age for certain sections of people. As a result, the entire medical world is always on the lookout for more advanced treatments, making scoliosis research a highly relevant topic.
Fortunately, the medical landscape is undergoing a transformative shift, particularly in scoliosis research. Clinicians and researchers are diligently working today to find new and innovative ways to achieve greater efficiencies and even better surgical outcomes.
With inputs from orthopaedic spine surgeon and scoliosis specialist in UK, Mr. Jwalant S. Mehta, let us look at the treatment advancements in this blog. We start with the current traditional treatment options for scoliosis and then discuss the new exciting breakthroughs that could reshape the way we treat this condition.
Traditional Treatment for Scoliosis
Conservative scoliosis treatment includes observation and bracing for sufferers. Observation is the initial approach used for mild cases, especially in children, to monitor the curve’s progression. Bracing is recommended for moderate curves to prevent further curvature in growing children. All non-surgical approaches aim to contain the curves and avoid serious complications. In severe cases, scoliosis is ultimately treated using spinal fusion surgery.
Recent Advancements in Scoliosis TreatmentsÂ
Today’s innovations in scoliosis treatment aim to improve patients’ quality of life by increasing the choice of options and enhancing their respective efficacy. Some of these recent advancements include:
- Schroth Method : This method has shown promising results in managing spinal deformities by addressing the unique needs of patients. As a functional rehabilitation method, it has shown great potential in reducing the progression of spinal curves.
- DNA Testing with Scoliosis-Specific Supplements : Supplemented with scoliosis-specific supplements, DNA testing has helped improve spinal health. It is touted to enhance individualized and personalized treatments moving forward.
- Spinal Fusion Surgery : This surgery has become more advanced with smaller incisions and improved implants. These approaches offer greater convenience, improved recovery, and minimized complications, proving to be a more comfortable long-term solution compared to traditional methods.
- Spinal Tethering : Another advanced surgical approach that can help maintain spinal flexibility, especially in adolescents where scoliosis can be difficult to manage. Vertebral Body Tethering (VBT) is a breakthrough procedure that is a less-invasive alternative to spinal fusion. It offers improved mobility while addressing spinal curve progression. This promising solution is actively being considered as a surgical approach to further improve treatment outcomes in terms of preserving motion and maintaining spinal flexibility.
In addition to the above, gene therapy, stem cell therapy, advanced biologics, imaging, and robotics technologies are other avenues showing great potential in helping scoliosis patients achieve better surgical outcomes. Having said that, today’s scoliosis treatments have come a long way compared to the last decade.
Spine surgeons, with their surgical and non-surgical approaches, are now able to manage and correct spinal curvature with increased efficacy. If you are in the UK and seek consultation regarding scoliosis treatment, you can contact orthopaedic spine surgeon and scoliosis specialist Mr. Jwalant S. Mehta here.